Advocate Nizam A. Khan, a prominent legal figure from Hyderabad, India, embarked on a transformative journey to the United States, where he engaged in a...
The Hindi film “Saksham”, starring Raayo S Bakhirta, has earned international recognition, securing a spot at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. The film, which tells...
Payal Varma is a renowned celebrity therapist, educational counselor, pageant coach & soft skill trainer. A Pranic Healer with over a decade of counseling experience....
Okie Dokie offers a wide range of services designed to streamline administrative tasks and improve efficiency within educational institutions. Starting from registration till student becomes...
In a landmark move set to redefine hospitality education, Chennais Amirta International Institute of Hotel Management and Birmingham Academy Singapore have formalized an innovative partnership...
Introduction Bathini is a leader in the production and distribution of decorative fiber goods, renowned for their high quality and affordability. Their extensive product range...